June 28, 2023

Partnerships Are Key!

Splish, splash we were having a blast! On June 21st we had the honor of hosting our new sponsors; Brunswick, All Blue Planet, Sea Choice and Freedom Boat Club to see and experience Shake -A-Leg Miami Camp firsthand. Due to their generosity, they donated $30K worth of equipment for our leggers to enjoy during this year's summer camp. The donation included Sea Choice life jackets, paddle boards, and other watersports and boating related equipment for our students to enjoy during their summer excursions.

This amazing opportunity was made possible by a former camper, mentor and employee Kevin Seelig who as a little boy enjoyed the experience awarded to him by being a part of Shake- A-Leg Miami. "I got my start here at Shake-A-Leg Miami, and I am overjoyed in being able to do my part and give back to the children who benefit the most."

As the day unfolded our sponsors were able to interact with our campers as they explored their daily activities and enrichments. From watersports to STEM activities our leggers were able to interact and show off their talents and what all they have learned thus far, being a camper. Students showed off their new gear donated by our sponsors as they set sail on the Bay.